Around three years ago, the local news headlines were filled with stories of an Asian Carp infestation in Kentucky and Barkley Lakes. Then things went quiet…at least until now.
Since that time, there has been an all-out war on these fish to contain, control, and, if possible, eradicate them from U.S. waters altogether. Lyon County Judge Executive Wade White has led the fight and says that conditions on the lakes have improved thanks to commercial fishermen.
click to download audioThe Silver Carp, the fastest growing of the group, is the one most common in Kentucky and Barkley Lakes. They can weigh up to 110 pounds and are known for their ability to launch themselves up out of the water. The fish can “fly” up to 10 feet in the air when startled by boat motors and some actually land in the boats. Nowadays, that is no longer common.
click to download audioEfforts in western Kentucky focused on invasive carp removal, primarily by promoting the commercial harvest of carp. Commercial fishermen receive subsidies from the state to encourage them to continue going after the fish. White says it is important to increase those rates.
click to download audioThe success in the war on Asian Carp has made a difference in native fish numbers.
click to download audioIt seems at least for the time being, the efforts against the Asian carp will continue.