Board Approves Superintendent Contract Extension

Christian County School Board members took care of some new year business during a special called meeting Thursday night, including renewing Superintendent Mary Ann Gemmill’s contract for two years. Gemmill tells the News Edge she has two goals for the district during her next two years – address budget concerns and meeting their academic and strategic plans.

Board members also unanimously approved Linda Keller as the board chairman and Tom Bell as vice-chairman.

In other business, Instructional Supervisor Jessica Addison asked board members to approve the required 100 question civics exam that must be passed by graduates in order for the district to be in compliance with Senate Bill 159.

The civics exam was unanimously approved by all board members with the exception of Geoff Bailey who was absent from the meeting.

Board members also approved the second reading of the Athletics Eligibility Policy, and a proposal from Sherman Carter Barnhart Architects of Lexington for architectural services for Gateway Academy and for the Breathitt Center.

In other business, Director of Pupil Personnel Melanie Barrett presented a brief overview of the 2018-2019 School Year Calendar for discussion only. She advised board members they would be required to take action regarding the calendar at the next school board meeting. The calendar shows the first day of classes for students would be August 9th and the last day for students would be May 22nd.

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