Courier-Journal Columnist Goes After Comer

Courier-Journal writer Joe Gerth is going after First District Congressman James Comer again. In an editorial published Thursday afternoon, Gerth calls Congressman Comer a bully because of an alleged vulgar twitter message.

According to Gerth, Congressman Comer allegedly sent a twitter message to former Kentucky House Clerk Brad Metcalf that predicted his firing on January 1st. The alleged private twitter message was sent to a private account at kyblindside.

According to the editorial, Gerth claims to have gained access to a private twitter account in which Congressman Comer sent Brad Metcalf a vulgar tweet on October 11th that predicted Metcalf would be fired. Gerth accuses Comer of being a bully and said the Congressman must have been drinking when he sent the twitter message to Metcalf. The tweet allegedly came from Comer’s twitter account @KYComer.

Gerth is the same Courier-Journal reporter who broke a story prior to the 2015 Kentucky Governor’s Primary election that alleged Comer hit his former girlfriend. Following those allegations, Comer lost the primary election by 83 votes to Governor Matt Bevin.

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