A groundbreaking ceremony will be held next month for one of the joint City-County WINS projects. Mayor Carter Hendricks says he is thrilled to break ground for the 2nd Street Park, one of Hopkinsvilles fifteen community parks. He adds the $568,000 investment will double the parks size and will feature a playground, basketball court, pavilion, restroom facilities, parking, and lawn areas for gatherings. He notes the adjacent community center will continue to be utilized for private rentals.
The project was authorized by Hopkinsville City Council as part of the Hoptown-Christian County WINS slate of projects in collaboration with Inner City Residential Enterprise Zone (ICREZ), CDBG and Section 108 Loan funding.
The public is invited to the groundbreaking ceremony that will be held Tuesday, February 20 at 2:00pm next to the community center at 745 East 2nd Street. The public is invited.
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