Anita Rittenhouse, 78, of Abingdon, Virginia
Funeral arrangements will be held at a later date for 78-year old Anita Crawley Rittenhouse, of Abingdon, Virginia, and a native of Hopkinsville. Blevins Funeral Home in Bristol, Virginia is in charge of arrangements. Rittenhouse is the mother of
Neil Hudnall, 94, of Elkton
Funeral services for 94-year old Neil “Jack”‘ Hudnall, of Elkton, will be Friday, February 16, at 2:00pm at the Todd County Funeral Home in Elkton. Burial will follow in Glenwood Cemetery in Elkton. Visitation will be Thursday,
Correne Latham, 78, of Clifty
Funeral services for 78-year old Correne Wells McClellan Latham, of Clifty, will be Friday, February 16, at 11:00am at Latham Funeral Home in Elkton. Burial will follow in the Joines Chapel Cemetery in Clifty. Visitation will be
Cynthia West, 52, of Louisville
Funeral services for 52-year old Cynthia West of Louisville, and a native of Trigg and Christian counties, will be Friday, February 16, at 12:00pm at Goodwin Funeral Home in Cadiz. Burial will follow in Stokes Chapel in
Lawn Equipment Reported Stolen From Business
Police are investigating a burglary at a lawn and garden business in Hopkinsville in which more than $1,200 in yard equipment was reported stolen. Jeffery Francis of Hopkinsville Outdoor Equipment, located at 926 North Main Street, filed
Wednesday Is National Donor Day
Not only is today Valentine's Day, this day also marks National Donor Day and recognizes the heart on our driver's license as a true symbol of love and compassion. Christian County Circuit Court Clerk Gary Haddock says
Woman Charged With Possessing Drugs, Resisting Arrest
A Webster County woman was charged Monday morning with possessing drugs and resisting arrest. Kentucky State Police report a trooper and a Webster County Sheriff's deputy arrived at a residence in Clay around 9:20am to serve a
Teen Charged With Intimidating Participant In Legal Proceeding
A Trigg County teen has been charged with intimidating a participant in a legal proceeding. The Trigg County Sheriff's Officer posted on social media that Major David Tomlinson reports the teen allegedly called another Trigg County teen
Woman Arrested On Warrant For Reportedly Kidnapping Child
A Clarksville woman was arrested Tuesday on a warrant out of Christian County for allegedly kidnapping a minor. On February 6, the Christian District Court Arrest Complaint Warrant says 36-year old Kristin Stewart unlawfully picked up a
Woman Wanted For Trafficking Controlled Substances
Princeton Police are asking for your help in locating a woman wanted for trafficking drugs. Police are looking for 48-year old Melissa Marie Tucker who is wanted on an arrest warrant charging her with 2nd Degree Trafficking