Ward 1 Candidates Talk Development, Taxes In Debate


Economic development and leadership took center stage during Thursday’s debate hosted by the Hopkinsville-Christian County League of Women Voters. Though candidates found common ground on the importance of enhancing the quality of life of those living in Hopkinsville’s Ward 1 they diverged on how to go about it.

Incumbent councilmember Thomas Grant, who previously ran on a platform of education and economic development, says the city has made progress on that agenda.

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His challenger, Darvin Adams, who bills himself as a “visionary leader,” says his campaign looks to improve the quality of life of those living on the east side of town and the city as a whole.

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When it comes to taxes, Adams says he could support raising them if the money were to be used for projects that benefit. Grant, meanwhile, suggests he is hesitant to increase taxes unless all other avenues are exhausted.The candidates also diverged on the issue of a city resolution requesting the fiscal court pass a library tax. Currently, the Hopkinsville-Christian County Library is one of the few public libraries in the state that does not have one.

Adams says he’s in favor of it.

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Grant says he would prefer to assess the need for such a tax first.

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The value candidates place on development downtown was also assessed. Grant says transportation and access is key for business development.

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Adams says downtown development is indeed important, but not any more important than growth elsewhere in the city.

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As for the city’s greatest challenge, Grant listed affordable housing and equipping the workforce of tomorrow with required skills. Adams summed up Hopkinsville’s greatest challenge in one word: leadership.A lunch recognizing all candidates and office holders is set for 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 18 at the First Baptist Church fellowship hall in Hopkinsville.

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