Ward 7 Candidates Agree On Partisan System


A debate Thursday between candidates in the race to represent Hopkinsville’s Ward 7 tested their institutional knowledge, as well as their positions on taxes, school violence, and whether city elections should be nonpartisan.

Incumbent Terry Parker says he wants to continue advocating for responsible government spending, safer streets and neighborhoods, flood control efforts and retail and business development. Faye Oglesby, longtime Hopkinsville resident who has 38 years in the cosmetics industry, says her reasons for getting involved in local politics is her friends and family.

Given the resurgence of retail downtown, the candidates were asked about what they would do to alleviate the apparent lack of parking available. Oglesby suggests angling street parking places to maximize available space, while Parker reports the Inner City REZ program has requested an amended budget for the construction of a parking structure.

Speaking to violence in schools, Parker says city council has no direct involvement in the Christian County Public School system.

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Oglesby responded by saying it all starts with what children are taught at home.

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The Hopkinsville-Christian County Public Library is one of the few in the state without a dedicated property tax. Candidates were also asked if they supported a resolution requesting the fiscal court institute one.Parker offered his take:

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Oglesby says citizens are taxed enough.

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When it comes to the issue of whether Hopkinsville should move to a nonpartisan system, both candidates supported the current system but for slightly different reasons.

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Parker says his reasoning isn’t about party politics.

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A lunch recognizing all candidates and office holders is set for 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. May 18 at the First Baptist Church fellowship hall in Hopkinsville.

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