A crowd made up of local and state officials, disc golfers and others gathered for a ribbon cutting for the City of Hopkinsville’s newest recreational attraction – the Hopkinsville Disc Golf Course at Trail of Tears Park.

H.B. Clark designed the 18-hole disc golf course at the park. He has designed courses for 45 years and designed approximately 94 disc golf courses across the United States. He tells the News Edge the Trail of Tears Park is an interesting course, because it is divided into two courses – the front nine and back nine.
He notes there are two sets of tees – a championship level and recreational level, which is for new players. Clark says the main thing about disc golf is it’s a great activity for individuals and families, it’s free because there are no green fees, and it’s great exercise.
Clark has also designed two other the disc golf courses in Christian County – one on Richard Street near the Recreation Department in Hopkinsville and one at Valor Park in Oak Grove.
Hopkinsville Parks and Recreation Director Tab Brockman tells the News Edge the disc golf course is a great new asset for the parks and community, but is also a tourism magnet.
In fact, he adds the City will host the first disc golf tournament will be held next month.27 Brockman-2 (:23)
During the ribbon cutting, Brockman says the disc golf course was a two-year project. He says they solicited input from a lot of different groups in order to honor the sacred ground at the park.

Disc golf professional Phillips Sanders of Greenville was on hand for the ribbon cutting and says he got his first putter when he was 9-years old, and has enjoyed playing on the course.
Following the ribbon cutting, the disc golfers, officials and others lined up and simultaneously through a disc for the ceremonial first throw.