Alhambra Payments Approved As Projects Near Completion

Christian County County Fiscal Court magistrates approved two payments for the Alhambra Theatre roof and renovations as improvements continue to move forward at the historic theater in downtown Hopkinsville.

Magistrates approved a payment of over $259,440 for the Alhambra roof project. Treasurer Walter Cummings informed magistrates the roofing project should be completed by next week.

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Magistrates also approved a payment for over $277,780 for renovations being made to the interior of the theater. Magistrate Darryl Gustafson, who is on the Alhambra committee, provided an update on the progress of the renovations inside of the Alhambra, adding they should be completed around November 8th.

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In other business, magistrates unanimously approved a Christian County limited English proficiency plan and a memorandum of agreement with Pennyrile Area Development District.

The next fiscal court meeting will be Tuesday morning, October 4, at 8:30.

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