Potential Asian Carp Barrier To Be Tested (w/Videos)

Photo Provided By Lyon Co. Judge-Executive Wade White

A sound and air bubble system, known as the bio-acoustic fish fence, will be installed and tested below Lake Barkley Dam in early 2019 in hopes of deterring Asian carp.

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Lyon County Judge-Executive Wade White says it looks like it will be Spring before the bio-acoustic fish fence (BAFF) is in place, but they are excited about the barrier. He adds the barrier will be a very important part in the fight against Asian carp.

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He notes they look forward to that test, and if it works he says they want to expand it.

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Over the weekend, Judge White says First District Congressman James Comer and fourteen of his staff members went out on four boats after dark on Lake Barkley to experience first hand how bad the Asian carp problem is in area lakes.

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He adds the Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife do not think the fish are able to spawn a lot on the lake. If the barriers keep the Asian carp from moving into the lakes, Judge White says they can possibly fish them down and get the lakes back to the way they were several years ago.

Photo Provided By Lyon Co. Judge-Executive Wade White

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