First District Congressman James Comer says he is pleased with most of the 2018 Farm Bill.
Congressman Comer says the final version of the farm bill will be good for Kentucky Agriculture.
Congressman Comer adds he is pleased that industrial hemp legislation remained in the 2018 Farm Bill.
Congressman Comer says he is disappointed work requirements were not included in the farm bill.
The Congressman adds a second sticking point was forestry legislation.
Congressman Comer says even though everything is not in the farm bill that he wanted, some compromises had to be made to get the bill in place by the end of the year.
The Congressman also noted that language that will expand broadband across the state is also included in the 2018 Farm Bill. He says members of the Farm Bill Conference Committee will review the 1,000 page document over the weekend and likely vote on it early next week.