Oglesby Enters Guilty Plea In Crofton 2017 Arson Case

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The fourth former firefighter charged in connection to setting fire to a vacant building in Crofton in August 2017 entered a guilty plea in Christian Circuit Court Wednesday morning. Dakota Oglesby and his attorney, Robert Haggard, appeared before Judge John Atkins and pled guilty to second-degree facilitation of arson and third-degree burglary charges.

Oglesby was awaiting trial after his attorney Haggard filed a motion in August 2018 to have his client’s case severed from his co-defendants, Jeremy Marlar, Glen McGee, and Dylan Hodge, due to Haggard’s health issues at the time.

Commonwealth’s Attorney Lynn Pryor tells the News Edge her office recommended a five-year sentence which could be diverted to probation if he pays restitution before his formal sentencing.

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She adds Oglesby is also required to pay $5,000 restitution to the victims as part of his plea agreement.

Former firefighters Marlar and McGee were convicted by a Christian Circuit Court jury in August 2018 of second-degree arson and other charges. Hodge entered into a plea agreement and entered a guilty plea in August 2018 to a lesser charge of second-degree facilitation to arson and received a five-year sentence which was diverted to probation if he testified against Marlar and McGee during their trial.

Judge Atkins scheduled Oglesby’s formal sentencing on March 27, 2019.

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