In order to move forward with the renovation projects at the Trigg County Primary and Intermediate Schools, the Local Planning Committee will need to meet and approve some minor changes to the Districts Facility Plan.
During Thursday nights school board meeting, Superintendent Travis Hamby explained the Kentucky Department of Education noted the Facility Plan submitted didnt include language needed for the total renovations.
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Board members also had a lengthy discussion about leasing the former Save-On Drugs building from the Trigg County Hospital for a practice building for the wrestling team. Hamby noted the lease would be $650 per month for one-year. Newly elected board member Clara Beth Hyde pointed out there were several other vacant buildings in the area of the school that she believes they should check into before the hospital and school boards meet in two weeks.
Hamby noted they had not aggressively been looking for any other options after they learned of the pharmacy building, but said they call and find out about the other vacant buildings. After more discussion, board members unanimously approved Hyde’s motion to table action regarding the pharmacy building lease until the next board meeting.
Board members also elected officers during the meeting. JoAlyce Harper will remain as board chair, Gayle Rufli will serve as vice chairperson, Superintendent Hamby was appointed as board secretary and Holly Greene was appointed board treasurer.
As part of the board meeting, the Trigg County Schools District Finance Corporation held an annual meeting to elect officers. Harper will serve as president, Rufli as vice-president, Hamby was appointed the secretary and Greene was appointed the treasurer.