CASA Program Kicks Off In Christian County

Community members and officials gathered in the Christian County Courthouse Rotunda Tuesday afternoon to kick-off the Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) for Children program.

Jason Fleming

Christian County Family Court Judge Jason Fleming says this program has been in the works for several years and they are glad to finally have it in the county.

Fleming adds the program is very helpful when it comes to bringing families back together.

Christian County CASA Executive Director Virginia Erxleben was sworn-in during the ceremony by Judge Fleming. Erxleben thanked numerous people in attendance including her board of directors.

Former Christian County Attorney Mike Foster, who was instrumental in helping to bring the CASA program to Hopkinsville says it is crucial to help children who would otherwise fall through the gaps of the court system.

Foster adds it is a very special day in Christian County history to finally be able to implement the program.

The new program is looking for volunteers, learn more by visiting 

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