Hopkinsville Man Charged With Wanton Endangerment After Fight

A Hopkinsville man was charged with wanton endangerment and alcohol intoxication in public after a fight on Gospel Peace Road Sunday night. According to a Christian County Sheriff’s Office report, Deputies were called to Gospel Peace Road
Man Charged With Receiving Stolen Property

A Cerulean man was charged with receiving stolen property Thursday morning. Christian County Sheriff’s Office reports 30-year-old Matthew Gresham was charged after deputies found a stolen tractor on A Daniels Road in a barn with the hood
Hopkinsville Man Arrested On Gun Charges

A Hopkinsville man was stopped for an expired registration tag and charged with possession of a gun by a convicted felon Sunday afternoon. Hopkinsville Police report 25-year-old DaJuan Quarles was stopped on Morningside Drive for his registration
Man Charged With Holding Woman At Gunpoint

A Hopkinsville man was charged after he allegedly held a woman at gunpoint on Mclean Avenue Wednesday morning. According to a Hopkinsville Police report, 42-year-old Dethaniel Thompson came home after working 12-hours and accused his girlfriend 63-year-old
Hopkinsville Woman Charged With Second-Degree Assault

A Hopkinsville woman was charged with assault after a fight on Moores Court Sunday night. Hopkinsville Police report 25-year-old Alexis Lewis assaulted someone at 7B Moores Court with her fist causing three permanent teeth to be knocked
Audio – WHVO-WKDZ Legislative Update Program 3-10-19

Six area legislators discuss their priorities as they head into the final days of the 2019 regular session of the Kentucky General Assembly. In the first part of the program hear comments from Third District State Senator
Man Flown To Hospital After Being Kicked By A Horse

A man was flown to a Nashville hospital after being kicked by a horse Sunday afternoon. According to radio traffic, the man was kicked in the face by a horse on Bainbridge Road around 5 pm. He