Nominees Announced For Vacant KY Supreme Court Seat


The Judicial Nominating Commission, led by Chief Justice of Kentucky John D. Minton Jr. announced Tuesday afternoon the three nominees to fill the vacant Supreme Court after Justice Bill Cunningham, a native of Lyon County, retired February 1st.

According to a release, the three attorneys named as nominees to fill the 1st Supreme Court District seat are David Cowan Buckingham of Murray, Tyler Landthrip Gill of Allensville and Carla Rene’ Williams of Dixon.

Buckingham has served as counsel for Adams Law Firm in Murray since 2011. He served as a Kentucky Court of Appeals judge from 1997-2005, a circuit judge for the 42nd Judicial Circuit from 1987-1996 and a district judge for the 42nd Judicial District from 1982-1986. The 42nd Circuit and District are made up of Calloway and Marshall counties.

Gill has served as a Circuit Court judge for the 7th Judicial Circuit, made up of Logan and Todd counties, since 1995. He was a district judge for those counties from 1993-1995.

Williams has served as a Circuit Court judge for the 5th Judicial Circuit, which includes Crittenden, Union, and Webster counties, since November 2004. She has been the chief regional circuit judge for the Purchase Region since Chief Justice Minton, a Trigg County native, appointed her in 2007. She was a district judge for the three counties from January 1990-November 2004.

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