Delegation From France Welcomed By Hopkinsville Officials

A delegation from Carentan, France is in Hopkinsville this week to celebrate the new ‘sister cities’ partnership as part of the 75th Anniversary of the 101st Airborne Division and the liberation of Normandy during World War II.

During a news conference, Mayor of Carentan Jean-Pierre Lhonner says he knows the story of the 101st Airborne and he wants to continue to the partnership with Hopkinsville.

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101st Airborne Division Brigadier General Todd Royar says it’s an honor to have the support of both cities – Hopkinsville and Carentan. He adds soldiers want to serve in the 101st for two reasons, because of its legacy and the support they receive from Fort Campbell and surrounding communities, as well as Carentan.
Mayor Carter Hendricks says the 101st will be going over to Caranten in June to celebrate the 75th anniversary and he looks forward to continuing the open communication in the future.

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Mayor Hendricks read a proclamation which he signed along with Mayor Lhonneur and Brigadier General Royar. He then presented the Mayor of Carentan a Commonwealth of Kentucky flag and coin.

Wednesday morning, the delegation attended a pep rally at University Heights Academy in which Mayor Hendricks and Mayor Lhonneur exchanged keys from the cities.
The delegation visiting Hopkinsville and Fort Campbell also included the Mayor’s wife, Deputy Mayor, a member of National Congress, President of the Europe and International Commission of the Normandy Region and President of the D-Day Landing Committee, along with over two dozen students.
The group has been staying with various host families in Hopkinsville during their visit.
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