School Board Approves Next Year’s Calendar

The 2019-2020 school year calendar was approved during the Trigg County Board of Education meeting Thursday evening.

Director of Student Services and Personnel James Mangles presented the first draft of the calendar and the change that was made which would see the Primary Election Day on Tuesday, May 19, 2020, be used as a potential make-up day. During the previous board meeting, a question was posed on if the day could be used, with Mangles looking into the issue.

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Board member Clara Beth Hyde mentioned that the polls are open from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM and between the time before the school opens and when they would close for the day, teachers would have just under five hours to do their voting.

Board members unanimously voted to approve the calendar utilizing May 19, 2020, as a make-up day, with board member Charlene Sheehan absent from the meeting.

As we have previously reported, fall break will take place the week of October 7, winter break would begin on December 23 with students returning back to class January 6, 2020, spring break would occur the week of April 6, 2020, and the last day of school baring any make-up days would occur on Friday, May 15, 2020.

In other business, board members approved a change order. Superintendent Travis Hamby reports the change order for the track resurfacing project will save the district a few thousand dollars.

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Hanah Williams

8th-grade student Hanah Williams and senior Grace Knight also presented their Presentations of Learning which they will both showcase at the Share Your Learning Keynotes International Conference held toward the end of the month in San Diego, California. Williams is working toward either being a veterinarian or an engineer, with Knight already working hard to become an entrepreneur.

Grace Knight

Members also heard from middle school Principal Amy Breckel and high school Principal Shannon Burcham on how the schools are doing with new testing software CASE 21 that is providing data to better help teachers understand what they need to focus on during the school year.

The next Trigg County Board of Education meeting will be held on Thursday evening, March 28 beginning at 6:00.

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