Finley Discusses Concern For Voter Turnout, Absentee Voting

As absentee voting got underway this week for Kentucky’s May 21 Primary Election, Trigg County Clerk Carmen Finley says she is very concerned about voter turnout for the upcoming election.

Finley tells the News Edge they opened their machine for absentee voting Friday, April 26, but no one has been in to vote, yet. She adds there has not been a lot of talk about this election, which concerns her as a county clerk because this is an important election, as they all are.

For instance, she adds there are four Democrat and Republican candidates running for governor and lieutenant governor, which will need to be narrowed down to one candidate in each party who will meet in the general election in November.

Finley says there are a couple of ways to absentee vote if you are going to be out of the country or out of the state on election day. She notes they have a machine in the County Clerk’s office or you can mail it in if you are eligible to vote absentee, which means you cannot vote at the regular polls on election day due to age, disability or illness, or other qualifications.

Finley says the last day to apply for a mail-in absentee ballot is May 14th. She notes the absentee ballot machine will be open at the County Clerk’s Office until May 20th, the day prior to the primary election.

Finley encourages everyone to get out and vote in this important Primary Election.

The Trigg County Clerk’s Office is located at 38 Main Street in downtown Cadiz, across from the Justice Center.

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