Man Charged With Stealing Vehicle In Hopkinsville

A Hopkinsville man was arrested after he reportedly stole a vehicle Tuesday. Hopkinsville Police say 28-year-old Christopher Powell took the owners keys from their home then stole the vehicle. The vehicle was later found and returned to
Community Members Discuss Mental Health And Suicide Prevention

The Pennyroyal Center hosted a “Let’s Talk” event Tuesday evening about mental health and suicide prevention at Hopkinsville Community College. Community members gathered to watch ‘Suicide: The Ripple Effect’; the story of Kevin Hines who survived a
Letterboxing Challenge Underway In Christian County

The Christian County Literacy Council is hosting their fourth annual Literacy Letterboxing Challenge through the month of June. Council member Beverly Whitfield says they previously hosted a one day challenge but decided to extend for various reasons.
Fort To Compete In Nat’l Scholarship Competition Next Month

The Distinguished Young Woman of Kentucky, Riley Fort of Hopkinsville, will compete in the 62nd Distinguished Young Women National Finals later this month. Fort will travel to Mobile, Ala., on Monday, June 17, to participate on June