Beshear And Bevin Comment On Trump Tweets

Governor Matt Bevin and Attorney General Andy Beshear refused to call President Donald Trump’s tweets about the four freshmen Congresswomen known as “The Squad” racist. Following the Kentucky Farm Bureau Governor’s forum Wednesday, Democrat Andy Beshear stopped
Woman Charged After High-Speed Pursuit In Hopkinsville

A woman was arrested after she led deputies on a high-speed pursuit Wednesday night. Christian County Sheriff’s Deputies say 50-year-old Lori Kelly fled at speeds of 100 mph after they attempted to stop her on Julien Road
Hopkinsville Woman Charged With Attempting To Break Into A Home

A Hopkinsville woman attempted to break into a Thompson Street home after being served an emergency protective order telling her to leave Wednesday morning. Hopkinsville Police say 49-year-old Ramona Wilson-Erving tried to break into the home using