Christian County School board members unanimously voted Thursday night to keep the real and personal property tax rate at 42.8 cents, the same rate as fiscal year 2018-2019.
The vote came at the request of Superintendent Mary Ann Gemmill, who stated they have redoubled their efforts to save money and be good stewards. She asked for residents to vote for the nickel tax on the November general election and then recommended leaving the tax rate unchanged.
Director of Business Jessica Darnell said leaving the general fund tax at 42.8 cents per $100 assessed value would produce revenue of over $15.5 million dollars and generate about $760,000 more revenue than last year.
At the conclusion of the meeting, board chair Linda Keller echoed Gemmill’s comments, noting the district has received a clean audit every year. She also asked the public to vote for the nickel tax.
Board member Jeff Moore encouraged parents, grandparents, and guardians to participate, come to board and site-based council meetings and see what the school district is doing.
In other business, board members approved contracts with JKS Architecture and funding for construction of security vestibules, which was mandated by Senate Bill 1 for all schools, for the Alternative School and Gateway Academy.
The next school board meeting will be Thursday evening, September 19, at 6:00 in the Board Room at Central Office.