Funeral services for 76-year old Glen “Doug” Johnson of Hopkinsville will be Wednesday morning, August 28, at 10:00 at Maddux-Fuqua-Hinton Funeral Home in Hopkinsville.
Burial will follow in Riverside Cemetery.
Visitation will be Tuesday afternoon, August 27, from 4:00 until 8:00.
Survivors include:
His wife of 48 years: Carolyn Duke Johnson of Hopkinsville
Son & Daughter-in-law: Wayne & Kim Johnson of Hopkinsville
Three Daughters & Sons-in-law: Karen & Jack Buckley, Julie & Lee Hyams, all of Hopkinsville, and Melissa & Darrell Pace of Todd County
Three Brothers & Sisters-in-law: Marvin & Sue Johnson of Clarksville, Jerry & Margaret Johnson of Christian County, and Bobby & Vanessa Johnson of Todd County
Nine Grandchildren
Six Great-Grandchildren
Several Step-Grandchildren and Step Great-Grandchildren