Hopkinsville City Council passed the first reading of the 2019 property tax rate increase of 23.9 cents on real property per $100 at Tuesday night’s meeting.
By an 8-2 vote, council approved the rates for taxable real property and personal property as read by City Clerk Crissy Fletcher.
Councilmen Jason Bell and Tom Johnson cast the nay votes.
As previously reported, Chief Financial Officer Robert Martin stated the city has not increased the tax rate in 10 years.
Mayor Carter Hendricks said a public hearing will be held and then noted the actual impact of the tax is less than a dollar a month on a $100,000 home.
In other business, Council unanimously approved a loan agreement of over $185,000 between the City and the Boys and Girls Club of Hopkinsville-Christian County for the construction of a new kitchen and cafeteria adjacent to the existing building on Walnut Street. The total cost of the project is around $635,000. Mayor Hendricks noted the Boys and Girls Club has solicited contributions to cover the entire cost of the project with $185,000 in pledges still outstanding. The agreement allows the City to cover the cost of that amount until the remaining pledges are paid.
And Council approved the Hopkinsville Surface and Stormwater Utility budget for 2019-2020 for over $1.16 million.
The next council meeting will be Tuesday evening, September 17, at 6:00.