Trigg County magistrates approved the second reading of the 2019 tax rate during their meeting Tuesday night.
Magistrates voted unanimously to approve and adopt the tax rate that Judge-Executive Hollis Alexander says is the same as last year’s rate. The rate, eight-cents per $100 for real property, and other tax rates will stay the same. That includes the ten-cent per $100 tax rate that was approved last year for the Trigg County Ambulance District to help provide additional funding for Trigg County Hospital.
In other news, Magistrate Mike Wright says they will hear an update on the hospital’s financials during their meeting Monday evening, September 16.
Magistrates also heard about the tax rates that the John L. Street Public Library passed during their board meeting last week. Library Director Pam Metts says her board voted to take the compensating rate like they have done the last thirty years. The rates approved were 4.8-cents per $100 on real property, 6.88-cents per $100 on personal property, and 3.5-cents per $100 on motor vehicles.
Alexander notes magistrates do not have to approve of the library’s tax rate, as they are their own taxing district.
Metts told magistrates that the library was heavily utilized in 2018.
Constituents have recently been asking magistrates if the library had millions of dollars in unused funds, Metts says that is simply not the case.
She adds during last week’s board meeting the library only had over $260,000 in surplus funding. The library is expected to bring in over $520,000 with the newly adopted tax rates, with their operating budget set at $510,000.
Magistrates typically meet the first and third Monday evening at 6:00 in the basement of the Trigg County Courthouse Annex, with the exception of Holidays.