Chief Justice Minton Shares History of Constitution

The Hopkinsville-Christian County Library hosted Kentucky Supreme Court Chief Justice John D. Minton, Jr. to celebrate Constitution Day coming up this month.

The event began with Mayor Carter Hendricks and Judge-Executive Steve Tribble declaring September 5th as Justice Minton Day.


During a speech, Justice Minton details the history of the Constitution and the influence it has had over the years, as well as the journey to its current home in the National Archives. He says the purpose of our national government was to allow the blessings of liberty, which is made possible by the Constitution.


Justice Minton adds the story of our nation has been the pursuit of happiness, as mentioned in our founding document.

He notes cooperation allowed the document to be created.


Constitution Day is celebrated nationally on the day it was created in 1787, September 17th.

(Story by Hannah Crisp)

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