Dyslexia Association Offering Services for Pennyrile Region

The Dyslexia Association of the Pennyrile is spreading awareness of the disorder and how to get help for your child.

Executive Director Vickie Jones spoke to Kiwanians during their meeting Thursday afternoon about the programs they offer. She explains that Dyslexia is a language processing problem that affects one out of every five people.


People who are affected by Dyslexia also have trouble with reading comprehension.

She says they offer one-on-one tutoring programs.


Jones adds the program is $100 a semester, however they offer scholarship opportunities to assist parents with the costs.

She notes the program can greatly help individuals who struggle with Dyslexia.

Jones also offers an advocacy program to assist parents in obtaining help for their child in school.

She adds they are always looking for volunteers. To learn more, go to www.hopkinsvilledyslexia.com.

(Story by Hannah Crisp)

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