Although often overlooked, financial security and risk protection are vital when it comes to farm safety. In today’s agriculture world farmer stress due to changing markets, adverse weather conditions and other uncontrollable factors is creating a high level of stress and tension for many farmers.
Among those helping farmers have the capital to operate their farms and protect the risk associated with it is AgQuest Financial, who recently entered a partnership with Agri-Chem. AgQuest Hopkinsville Manager Jerry Gilliam says making sure farmers have the capital to put our their crops is a critical way to reduce stress.
Agri-Chem Manager David Buchanon says safety continues to be a top priority for the company that is owned by Hopkinsville Elevator.
Don Pemberton says he enjoys the role of sharing the Hopkinsville Elevator story.
Buchanon and Gilliam say the partnership between the two companies is off to a good start and offering farmers customers some great options to help get their crops out each year.