Jessica Addison Appointed To New Curriculum Task Force

Kentucky Education Commissioner Dr. Wayne Lewis has appointed Christian County Public Schools Director of Instruction Jessica Addison to the new Curriculum Task Force. The task force is charged with making recommendations on improving the process of developing a quality curriculum for Kentucky’s public schools.

Dr. Lewis says as they declare war on Novice performance on K-PREP assessments, ensuring every student in the state has access to high-quality, Kentucky Academic Standards-aligned curriculum is an essential element for improving student learning. Currently, he adds, some Kentucky students have access to a high-quality curriculum, but others do not, and more often it’s the most vulnerable learners who lack access.

Addison says being selected to serve on the Task Force is both an honor and humbling responsibility. She adds educators across the state depend on high quality, equitable curriculum in order to provide all Kentucky students with the educational experiences they deserve. Addison says she’s hopeful the collective expertise of the Task Force will inform important curricular improvements to that end.

The task force is comprised of superintendents, district curriculum leads, principals, teachers, representatives from educational cooperatives, post-secondary faculty and other education partners from across the state.

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