After Stormy Saturday, Dryer Weather Expected Through Wednesday

Photo: NWS Paducah – Here is an image from the Ft. Campbell Radar at 3:22 PM Saturday. Winds around 100 MPH were detected at an altitude of just over 1000 feet above the ground moving north across Todd County. Much of the wind was accompanied by showers associated with remnant Tropical energy that moved north all day across Mississippi and then Tennessee.

Much of the area suffered downed trees, property damage, and power outages when a storm system moved through the area Saturday afternoon.

Weather Edge Forecaster David Powell says the winds did as much damage as a tornado would do.


Powell says the storm was the remanents of tropical disturbance Olga that moved into the gulf.

Powell says there will be some major weather changes beginning at early as Wednesday.


After that system moves through, Powell says we will see clearing skies but cooler temperatures.


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