Bio-Acoustic Fish Fence Now Operational At Barkley Lock

Kentucky and Tennessee officials gathered at the Barkley Lock Friday afternoon to unveil an experimental project designed to keep invasive Asian carp from moving further up the Cumberland River.

Fish Guidance Systems Managing Director Dr. David Lambert tells the News Edge the bio-acoustic fish fence (BAFF) keeps the noise-sensitive fish from entering the lock chamber.


Officials indicate this is the first time the BAFF system has been tested at a lock and dam on a large river.

U.S. Senator Mitch McConnell, who was instrumental in getting $25-million in funding for the war of Asian carp approved by the Senate Appropriations Committee, says the BAFF system has the potential to make a real difference in the effort.

U.S. Congressman James Comer adds he is thankful for the project partners who have made the system possible.


Other agencies helping to make the BAFF system a reality include the U.S. Geological Survey and the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency.

Lyon County Judge/Executive Wade White notes the BAFF system will help make significant progress and thanked the true heroes in the war on Asian carp, commercial fishermen.


White adds if this system works they will be able to cut the invasive fish off at the dam and keep them out of Lake Barkley and Kentucky Lake.

If the BAFF system is successful at the Barkley Lock, it will be installed in other locations across America to keep Asian carp from getting into areas they do not need to be in.

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