Little River Wood Kiln Has Closed

A Trigg County wood kiln recently ceased operations due to recent tariffs implemented by China.

South West Kentucky EDC Director Mark Lindsay tells the News Edge up to 40 employees lost their jobs following the closure of the Little River Dry Kilns on Cerulean Road. He adds not much information was shared with them, but they were told about the closure over two weeks ago.

The closure was reportedly caused by heavy tariffs that China placed on hardwood and other products in retaliation to President Donald Trump’s 25% tariffs on hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of Chinese goods.

OMAG Digital reports Little River Dry Kilns was owned and operated by the Midwest Hardwood Corporation headquartered in Maple Grove, Minnesota. The publication adds in an interview posted in May 2018 that the facility had seen around $2.5-million in improvements over the last few years.

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