Hopkinsville Community College is now accepting submissions for the 54th edition of the Round Table Literary Journal.
The college reports submissions of original, unpublished fiction, poetry, creative nonfiction, and artwork can be submitted through Saturday, February 15, 2020. They add the 2019 edition of the journal was recognized by the Community College Humanities Association with 3rd place in the Best Magazine category in the Southern Region, Small Colleges Division.
The Round Table Literary Journal is named after the college’s Round Table Literary Park that was founded upon the idea that all voices deserve representation.
Selected contributors will read their work at the annual Round Table Readings and Literary Awards Ceremony held at the Round Table Park at noon on Thursday, April 23, 2020. During the event, the magazine will be unveiled, along with the presentation on the 2020 Round Table Literary Awards and the Roger Selvidge Memorial Art Awards.
2020 Submission Guidelines for The Round Table Literary Journal:
At present, the Round Table Literary Journal editorial staff will only accept prose submissions under 2500 words, although preference will be given to work under 1000 words. For the first time, submissions will be processed by email at hp-roundtable@kctcs.edu. Submissions are open to everyone, no matter their location. All submissions that follow the guidelines below will be considered for an upcoming issue.
Simultaneous Submissions: Simultaneous submissions are accepted; however, please let the editorial staff know immediately if your work has been accepted elsewhere by emailing elizabeth.burton@kctcs.edu or cchester0007@kctcs.edu.
Rights: If your work is accepted by the Round Table Literary Journal, you’re granting us First Serial Rights to showcase your work in our publication. At the time of publication, all rights revert back to the author. If you republish the work elsewhere, all we ask is that you please credit us as the first publisher.
Editing: The Round Table Literary Journal reserves the right to edit manuscripts for grammar or clarity issues without notification if necessary. If a manuscript requires a substantial amount of editing, we will notify the author of such changes for review before publication.
Response Time: The editorial staff will try to get back to you as soon as possible about your submission. If you haven’t heard from us in three months then send an inquiry.
Previously Published Work: The Round Table Literary Journal doesn’t consider previously published work (this includes journals, blogs, etc.).
Multiple Submissions: Please submit only one submission at a time and wait for a response before sending another.
Payment: Contributors are paid in one copy of the journal in which her or his work appears. To purchase additional copies, please contact the Editors at elizabeth.burton@kctcs.edu or cchester0007@kctcs.edu.
Please adhere to these formatting guidelines when submitting work to the Round Table Literary Journal:
· Name, email address, and phone number appears on the first page of the prose or poem
· Work is double spaced and is in a 12-point font (preferably Times New Roman)
· Document is saved as an rtf, .doc, or .docx or Google docs file (no other file types are accepted)
· Work has page numbers (this doesn’t apply to poem submissions)
· The Round Table Literary Journal does have a Children’s Corner, so we are a family-friendly publication. That means we are not the market for overt sexuality, gratuitous violence, heavy use of profanity or nudity in artwork.
For additional information or questions, click here or contact Elizabeth Burton (270) 707-3887 or Caitlin Chester (270) 707-3965.