LBL Offering Free Cedar Trees For Christmas

Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area will be offering free cedar Christmas trees to the public again this year.

Communications Resource Assistant Emily Cleaver says this a great opportunity and a good time for families to come out to LBL and get the outdoor experience of cutting down their own Christmas tree. She says permits for the free cedar trees will be available beginning Friday.

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She notes the cedar trees can be cut anywhere in LBL, with a few exceptions.

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Cleaver notes the trees must be cedar, less than 10 feet tall, and stumps must be less than 4 inches tall. She says chain saws may be used, but trucks, winches, tractors, or other heavy equipment is prohibited.

Whether families cut or purchase a tree, Cleaver says there are some safety guidelines for using a cut tree in your home this Christmas.

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If you haven’t been able to cut down a cedar tree for Christmas at LBL in the past, Cleaver says this is a great time to start a nice tradition with your family.

The permit to cut your cedar tree is valid through December 24, Christmas Eve.

Permits, maps, and cutting guidelines may be obtained online by clicking here.

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