City officials and local businesses invite you to come out Saturday to help them celebrate “Christmas in Elkton”.
City officials say many local businesses will have open houses, special sales, boutiques, and other activities throughout the day. In addition, the Welcome Center in the Historic 1835 Courthouse will offer free freshments to help you warm up.
The Elkton Christmas parade will begin at 2:00. The parade leaves the Todd Country Central High School on South Main Street and heads north toward Public Square, exiting the Square on West Main Street and ending at the Milliken Memorial Community House. The parade will feature floats and entries from local businesses, schools, and churches. Officials want motorists to be aware traffic will be blocked to Public Square starting around 1:30 Saturday afternoon until all festivities are over.
Officials say the Grand Marshalls of the parade this year were selected to honor veterans of World War II currently living in Todd County. The honorees are Bryan Blount, Army; Carmon Crafton, Navy; Bill Addison, Air Force; and Henry Malone, Navy.
Immediately following the parade around 3:00 p.m., officials say Santa Claus will visit with everyone at the Milliken Memorial Community House located at 208 West Main Street. Officials indicate there will be free digital pictures with Santa Claus and free refreshments until 5:00 p.m.