Man Charged After Hopkinsville Hit-And-Run Crash

A Hopkinsville man was charged with leaving the scene of an accident after a crash on Central Avenue Saturday afternoon.
Joyce Jones, 80, of Caldwell County
Funeral services for 80-year old Joyce Hyde Jones of Caldwell County will be Monday afternoon, December 30, at 1:00 at Dunn’s Funeral Home in Eddyville. Burial will follow in Cedar Hill Cemetery. Visitation will begin at 11:00
Two Princeton Residents Facing Wanton Endangerment Charges

Two Princeton residents are facing wanton endangerment charges after police say two children were found in a store’s parking lot early Thursday morning.
Police Investigating Armed Robbery In Madisonville

Police are investigating an armed robbery that occurred at a convenience store in Madisonville Friday night.
Two Hopkinsville Men Charged With Burglary

Two Hopkinsville men were charged after police reportedly located them inside a building on East 1st Street Friday afternoon.
Two Democrat Candidates File To Challenge McConnell

Two more Democrats filed Friday to run for the U.S. Senate in the 2020 election, the seat currently held by Senator Mitch McConnell.
John Allen, 64, of Cadiz
Funeral services for 64-year old John Phillip Allen of Cadiz will be Monday afternoon, December 30, at 1:00 at Goodwin Funeral Home in Cadiz. Burial will follow in Carr Cemetery in Cadiz. Visitation will begin at 11:00
Christian County Home Destroyed In Early Morning Fire (w/Video)

A home on Woody Shelton Road is a total loss after a fire Saturday morning.
Name Released In Hopkinsville Crash

A Hopkinsville woman was injured in a wreck on West 7th Street near the intersection of South McPherson Avenue Saturday morning.
Crofton Man Charged With Wanton Endangerment After Firing His Gun

A Crofton man was charged with wanton endangerment after he reportedly fired his gun hitting a home on Empire Road Friday afternoon.