Trigg Middle Students Learn History Of Cadiz Cemetery

Eighth graders from Trigg County Middle School spent Monday afternoon at East End Cemetery learning the history of the community they call home.

Social Studies teacher Kim Mroch tells the News Edge students heard from three treasured Trigg County residents.

Paul Fourshee
After touring the cemetery, students held a birthday party inside the middle school gymnasium to celebrate January 27, 1820, when then-Governor Gabriel Slaughter approved the legislative act that would form Trigg County later that year. Mroch adds it is important to share the history of the county.
George Radford

The tour through East End Cemetery was just the beginning of a year-end project for the students.

Jim Wallace

Trigg County Public Schools Superintendent Bill Thorpe joined in on the tour of the cemetery that lasted about two hours.

Trigg County is celebrating it’s bicentennial, with many activities planned throughout the year. A complete list of activities can be found at

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