SB 74 Concerning Blood Alcohol Tests Passes Senate

A bill that would make it harder to refuse a blood alcohol concentration test for suspicion of drunken driving passed in the Kentucky Senate Tuesday.
Hopkinsville Museum to Reopen Post-Remodel

The Pennyroyal Area Museum is gearing up for their grand reopening next month following two years of extensive renovations to the historic building in downtown Hopkinsville.

Cadiz Rotary Run For Rotary St.Patrick’s Day 5K Run! CLICK to Register TODAY! When: Saturday, March 21, 2020 Where: Trigg County Primary School Entry Way 202 Main Street – Cadiz, KY Registration: 8:00 – 8:45 a.m. Race
Dawson Springs Home Suffers Damage In Fire

A house suffered major damage in a structure fire in Dawson Springs early Tuesday morning.
William Herbert, 75, of Cadiz
A private memorial service for 75-year old William Charles Herbert of Cadiz will be Monday morning, February 3, at 9:00 at Kentucky Veterans Cemetery West in Hopkinsville. King’s Funeral Home in Cadiz is in charge of arrangements.
Christian Fiscal Court Continues To Balk On Gun Rights Resolution

For a second time, Christian Fiscal Court refused to make the county a second amendment sanctuary county after more citizens were on hand to request magistrates take the action during Tuesday’s meeting.
Trigg Little Library Program Looking For Donations

The Trigg County Community Early Childhood Council is working to promote literacy by setting up Little Libraries throughout the community and are needing assistance in keeping them stocked.
Cadiz Resident Named New Pastor At Princeton’s Southside Baptist

The pastor of Cadiz Baptist Church will be stepping down to serve at a church in Princeton.
Hendricks Lays Out Plan For South West KY EDC

New South West Kentucky EDC Director Carter Hendricks says he wants to improve contact with existing business and industry and work closely with EDC partners in the three-county region.
Burglary Reported At Hopkinsville Clothing Business
Electronics and clothing were reported stolen from a business on Skyline Drive Monday morning.