Trigg County magistrates approved a resolution Tuesday night to encourage the continued efforts of eradicating feral hogs in Land Between the Lakes.
County Attorney Randy Braboy says the resolution comes after they have become concerned over the increased numbers of feral hogs and their detrimental effects on the landscape, cemeteries, crops, and wildlife.
The resolution was passed unanimously.
In addition, magistrates heard the 2019 annual settlement and quarterly report from County Clerk Carmen Finley.
She presented a check in the amount of $151,037.69 and adds their budget receipts for the year broke a record.
Finley notes from what she can tell the economy is great in Trigg County.
She adds the year is off to a great start at her office.
Finley’s office was recently awarded a grant from the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives in the amount of $31,916.
The next Trigg County Fiscal Court meeting will be Monday evening, March 2 at 6:00 in the basement of the annex building.