Western Kentucky Unversity officials announced Tuesday all classes will continue online through the remainder of the spring semester and commencement events are postponed.
Although WKU President Timothy Caboni says there are no confirmed coronavirus cases on campus, the COVID-19 Taskforce continues to monitor the situation and activate contingency plans to protect members of the University family and the communities.
As part of that plan, he adds WKU will continue to deliver instruction via alternate delivery formats through the end of the spring semester, with no face-to-face instruction occurring the remainder of this academic term.
Caboni also strongly encouraged all students who can go home to do so. He says very limited University housing will remain open of the remainder of the semester, and only for those students who demonstrate the need to remain on campus. He adds a Request for Exemption to Remain in University Housing form will be available soon.
According to Caboni, all in-person events are canceled, postponed or virtualized for the remainder of the semester, and all spring commencement events are postponed. He adds they will confer degrees in May, ensuring students graduate on time and are prepared to enter the workforce or continue into their graduate work as planned.
For more information, go to WKU’s web page.