HCC Transitioning To Virtual Services Monday

Hopkinsville Community College is transitioning to virtual services beginning Monday.

HCC administrators made the decision Wednesday which means that campus buildings including the bookstore, labs, and testing centers will no longer be accessible to students or the public. Officials add classes and library services are still accessible online.

HCC President Alissa Young says they feel this is the best course of action to help keep everyone healthy and safe. She went on to say they hope that quarantine advisement will dictate their decisions.

Young says they will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation as information changes quickly at state and national levels. In addition, she wants everyone to know that HCC employees are here to serve students even though they may be doing it away from their campuses at Hopkinsville and Fort Campbell.

Online Class Instruction

Students can access all of their courses via Blackboard. Blackboard tutorials are available online as well as Blackboard technical support at 713-333-7300.  

 Student, Business, and Workforce Services

Student, business, and workforce services are still available at HCC. General information can be discussed by phone, SKYPE, or email. 

 Free Internet Services

During the COVID-19 pandemic, several area internet service providers are offering free internet service to students. For further information

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