First COVID-19 Case Confirmed In Calloway County

The Calloway County Health Department is reporting a resident in Murray has tested positive for the coronavirus.

Officials with the Murray-Calloway County Hospital (MCCH) says the resident came into contact with an out-of-state visitor who attended a church in Murray on Sunday, March 15. Officials add the Murray resident that the visitor spent time with is an employee at the hospital.

After the hospital employee was sent home and instructed to self-quarantine, MCCH officials say the employee was tested and late Thursday night confirmed positive for COVID-19. They add the employee and their family are fine and were informed to be at home in quarantine. The hospital then notified the county’s health department.

Calloway County Health Department Director of Nursing Kim Paschall says they believe the risk to the public is low, and they are continuing to communicate with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).and the Kentucky Department for Public Health to identify and contact all those who may have been exposed to the person. She adds these individuals will be monitored for fever and respiratory symptoms, and have been urged to self-quarantine for 10 days.

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