Hopkinsville Woman Choked In Fight With Boyfriend
A Hopkinsville woman told police her boyfriend strangled her to the point of her losing consciousness Monday night.
Leadership Applications Available For 2020-2021 Class
Applications are now being accepted for the 2020-2021 Leadership Hopkinsville-Christian County class.
8 CCPS Students Selected For 2020 Governor’s Scholars Program
Eight high school students in the Christian County Public School District have been selected as 2020 members of the Governor’s Scholars Program along with three alternates.
Gun And Two Leaf Blowers Reported Stolen In Hopkinsville
A gun along with two leaf blowers were reported stolen from two separate Hopkinsville homes Monday.
Judge Alexander Clarifies Concerns About LBSRP COVID-19 Shelter
Trigg County Judge/Executive Hollis Alexander clarified concerns during Monday’s fiscal court meeting concerning Governor Beshear’s announcement about Lake Barkley State Resort Park and what they are doing during the COVID-19 pandemic.