Two Women Injured In Hopkins County Collision

A Dawson Springs woman and a Madisonville woman were injured in a two-vehicle wreck in Hopkins County Monday afternoon.
Active COVID-19 Cases In Christian County Increase By Two

The Christian County Health Department reported two new cases of COVID-19 Monday afternoon.
Trigg County Deputies Look For Stolen RV

Deputies are asking for the communities help to identify the owner of a truck in connection with a stolen RV Monday.
Trigg County Recycling Center To Reopen Next Week

Trigg County Judge-Executive Hollis Alexander announced the reopening of some county facilities and magistrates approved the first reading of the 2020-2021 fiscal year budget during a special called meeting Monday afternoon.
One New COVID-19 Case Confirmed In Todd County

The Todd County Health Department reported a new COVID-19 case was confirmed Monday, bringing the total number of cases to 14 in the county.
Trailer in Princeton Total Loss in Monday Fire

A trailer in downtown Princeton was a total loss in a Monday afternoon fire. Princeton Fire Chief Brent Francis says that crews were dispatched to reports of a trailer on fire in the 300 block of North
Christian County FFA Chapter Earns Gold Emblem

The Christian County FFA will be honored with the Gold Emblem award during the 91st Annual Kentucky FFA Convention that will be held in a virtual format in late June.
APSU Plans For In-Person Classes To Resume This Fall

Austin Peay State University (APSU) officials have announced they plan to move forward with in-person classes on campus this Fall.
Man Shot At During Hopkinsville Fight

A man was reportedly shot at during a fight on Hayes Street near the intersection of Lewis Street Monday morning.
Interim Principal Named At Millbrooke Elementary School

An interim principal has been named at Millbrooke Elementary School in Hopkinsville.