Man Charged With Breaking Into Hopkinsville Business

A Hopkinsville man was charged with burglary after breaking into a business on South Main Street in Hopkinsville Wednesday night.
Traffic Stop Led To Drug Charges In Hopkinsville

Two men were charged with trafficking marijuana after a traffic stop on North Main Street for failing to use a turn signal Wednesday night.
Man Charged With Assaulting Girlfriend In Hopkinsville

A Hopkinsville man was charged with assaulting his girlfriend on East 2nd Street Thursday morning.
Aviation Unit At Ft. Campbell Prepares For Deployment

Officials with the 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) announced Wednesday afternoon the 2nd Squadron, 17th Cavalry Regiment at Fort Campbell will conduct a rotational deployment to South Korea this summer.
Cameron Asks To Join Lawsuit to Stop Beshear’s Ban of Faith-Based Gatherings

On Wednesday, Kentucky’s Attorney General Daniel Cameron moved to join a lawsuit seeking to end Governor Andy Beshear’s ban on faith-based gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Stewart County Woman Indicted For Failure To Report Her Child’s Assault

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation reports special agents obtained an indictment for a Stewart County, Tennessee mother accused of failing to report the assault of her three-year old child in February.
An Employee Has Filed A Federal Lawsuit Against CCPS

An employee has filed a federal lawsuit against Christian County Public Schools.