CCPS Board Approves Two New Positions And Calendar Options

Christian County school board members Thursday night approved an organizational chart update that includes adding two new positions and optional calendars for the 2020-2021 school year.

Although Bentzel does not officially take over as superintendent until July 1st, he presented the board with an update to the organizational chart with changes to a few administrative job descriptions and includes two new positions – a district athletic director and teacher recruitment specialist.

He says the district athletic director will work with schools, the two athletic directors at both high schools as well as student-athletes to ensure they move on to the next level.

With a shortage of teachers, Bentzel says a teacher recruitment specialist would provide an energy spark the district desperately needs to recruit, retain, and train the best teachers.

He said there will be no additional cost for the two new positions.

The board unanimously approved the new organizational chart including the two new positions.

Bentzel also thanked Superintendent Mary Ann Gemmill for allowing him to present the organizational chart and working with him to transition into the position when she retires June 30.

During the nearly three hour virtual meeting, Director of Pupil Personnel Melanie Barrett presented board members with additional calendar options for the upcoming school year after a recommendation by Governor Andy Beshear due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The additional calendar options were unanimously approved by the board.

The next regular school board meeting will be evening, June 18, at 6:00.

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