Christian County Schools Superintendent Says SROs Are Important

Newly appointed Christian County Public Schools Superintendent Chris Bentzel stressed the importance of School Resource Officers (SROs) in a statement released Monday.

In the statement, Bentzel says SROs are in their schools daily protecting and serving students, teachers, and staff. He adds the necessity of their presence was impressed upon by the tragic shooting in Marshall County in early 2018.

Bentzel says while they still have work to do, the schools have worked with SROs to achieve higher levels of fairness and equality. Bentzel adds every school within the district is committed, now more than ever, to those goals, as SROs not only keep schools safe but develop positive relationships and serve as mentors to all students.

The statement from Bentzel comes after the deaths of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor that have caused quite a stir for law enforcement officers in the struggle for racial equality and justice across the country.

Bentzel says the Christian County Public School District stands against all forms of racism and asks the same of their community stakeholders. He adds the current situation may be a teachable moment for the district to fully embrace the lessons learned and the opportunities to improve their school system. Bentzel believes their schools can serve as a beacon of hope for what is possible when we all love and respect for each other.

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