Area Economy Beginning to Bounce Back After Pandemic
Industries in Trigg, Christian, and Todd counties are starting the process of bringing their employees back after lay-offs and furloughs rocked the area economy.
Congressman Says Time To Completely Reopen Kentucky
Kentucky Congressman James Comer says it is time to reopen the state to help prevent the loss of business to surrounding states.
Chamber’s Leadership Program Suspended Due To COVID-19 Pandemic
Officials with the Christian County Chamber of Commerce have announced they will not hold Leadership Hopkinsville for the 2020-21 year amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
State Police Remind Parents Not To Leave Kids In Hot Cars
With the temperatures starting to rise as we head into summer, Kentucky State Police is sending a plea to parents and caregivers with ‘Keeping Kids Cool’, a statewide initiative to provide awareness about leaving children in hot
House And Vehicles Damaged In Hopkinsville Shooting
A shooting on North Kentucky Avenue damaged a home and three vehicles Sunday morning.
First Responders Give C.J. Hansley a Birthday Parade
The first two years for C.J. Hansley have been tough. He was the victim of severe abuse at two months old and suffers from Cerebral Palsy. First responders in Trigg and Christian Counties came together Sunday afternoon