Trigg County Hospital Applies for Grant to Add Patient Rooms

Trigg County Hospital has applied for a grant from the Pennyrile Area Development District that, if awarded, would allow making every patient room private.
Visitation Can Begin Next Week at Long-Term Care Facilites

Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services Secretary Eric Friedlander announced Thursday afternoon that visitation can resume at nursing homes beginning next month across the state.
Last Day for Caldwell Medical Center Drive-Up Free COVID-19 Testing June 29

Officials with the Caldwell Medical Center are reminding the community there is only one more opportunity to get a coronavirus test through their free drive-up testing event.
Porter Road Butcher Meat Co. to Relocate and Expand Princeton Facility

Just over 80 full-time jobs are coming to Princeton and Caldwell County with the announcement of a more than $1.5 million relocation and expansion of Porter Road Butcher Meat Co. LLC.
Trigg County Field of Flags Flying Strong

The annual Trigg County Fields of Flags is up and ready for you to purchase a flag to honor and remember a loved one that made the ultimate sacrifice.
U.S. Forest Service Reminds LBL Lake Goers To Be Safe

With the warmer weather and sunshine, more people are heading to Land Between the Lakes National Recreational Area to take advantage of Barkley and Kentucky lakes.
Bechler Named to Child Welfare Oversight and Advisory Committee

The state representative who serves Caldwell, Crittenden, and Livingston counties, as well as a section of Christian County, has been selected to serve on the Child Welfare Oversight and Advisory Committee.
No Political Speakers At Fancy Farm Picnic This Year

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a popular event in western Kentucky that draws national attention with its political speakers and barbeque picnic will be modified this year.
George Zering, 89, of Cadiz
A graveside service for 89-year old George Anthony Zering of Cadiz will be held Wednesday morning, July 1, at 11:00 at Kentucky Veterans Cemetery West in Hopkinsville. Gateway Funeral Home and Cremation Center in Clarksville is in
Spectators Allowed at the Kentucky Derby & Oaks

Officials with Churchill Downs Racetrack announced Thursday morning they will host the Kentucky Derby with spectators in attendance in September.