Dedication for Between the Rivers Residents Coming Saturday Morning

A woman, who has many ties to former residents of Between the Rivers, has organized a dedication to them that will take place Saturday.

Cynthia Kaye Ezell-Hinson tells the News Edge her mother and family were from the area that the federal government took by eminent domain.


Hinson adds she contacted Representative Walker Thomas to ask how a sign dedication could be done. After working through the entire process, House Joint Resolution 62 passed on April 15 and was signed by Governor Andy Beshear nine days later.


She invited everyone, especially former residents to come to the dedication that will begin at 10:00 Saturday morning.


Speakers for the event will include Thomas; former resident and pastor Brother Elijah Balentine; Mike Pape, who use to work with former Congressman Ed Whitfield; Donnie Holland; and Anne Fentress, who is currently making a documentary on Between the Rivers.

The dedication will take place at Matheny Cemetery, which is near The Trace and U.S. 68/80 intersection in Trigg County.

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